Saturday, May 5, 2012

"Dress Myself Like Macie"

Putting Gavin in a big boy bed has jump started something in him. He is so proud of himself and brings it up often that he is in a big boy bed.  He decided he was going to start to "dress myself like Macie".  I wasn't sure he was ready, but sure enough, he can easily get his pants on and does pretty well with his shirt too.  The only issue is getting the shirt off of that big ol head!  I took some pictures of him the other night dressing himself.  Somehow, I hit the "wrong button" and deleted all of the them.  The kids were trying to help me get them back.  It was pretty cute to be honest. 
Tonight, Gavin asked me to take pictures of him getting dressed and not push the "wrong button".  Of course, I couldn't say no!  These kids help keep me in line!

 So proud!

I'm one proud mama!  These are the milestones that help make my life a little easier!

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