Sunday, December 30, 2012

WW Update

I've been in Weight Watchers almost 4 months (I signed up September 7th).  My weigh in day is Sunday.  As of this morning, I am down 38.5 pounds and have lost 8 inches in my waist.  I even lost weight the week of Christmas!!  I went shopping this week and bought size 10 pants.  I can't even tell you the last time I wore size 10 pants, but it was at least 8 years ago! I've lost a lot of weight in the past, but this is different.  I feel like I'm doing it for all of the right reasons and doing it the right way.  I truly want this to be the new me versus a fad.  I want to lose a total of 50 pounds and then I will re-evaluate everything. 
Brian has also still been doing amazingly well with his weight loss.  He started back in January and has lost about 82 pounds.  His final weigh in is tomorrow morning.  He also wants to continue this life style, but is ready to take a break from watching every little thing. I am so proud of him and all that he has accomplished!!!

1 comment:

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Congrats...that's awesome.

I've been counting calories since mid October and I'm now at the maintain weight. It's great. I feel like I have more energy and once I got past the being angry for being "hungry" the first week, I felt a lot better.