Monday, December 30, 2013

#8 Christmas with My Family

Our last big Christmas was with my immediate family.  After Lilah’s party, Brian took the kids home to nap and I cleaned up.  Once we were all unpacked and repacked, we headed to my parents house.  We opened gifts, ate yummy finger foods, watched a Christmas movie, and hung out.  It was fun to all be together and next year we will have another addition!  The kids were a little wound up from the day and loved all of their presents.  I was very stressed out and just upset with some of their behavior.  It happens! 

Allie surprised us all with a weekend in a cabin!  Brian and I also got a pressure cooker and canner, among other things.  We are hoping to start canning food this spring/summer.  I can’t wait!  Santa even brought a box of new toys to stay at Grandpa and Grandma’s house!  When all of the paper was picked up, Gavin helped Grandpa take the trash out.  He insisted on carrying all of the bags by himself!  Christmas isn’t completely over, because we still have to celebrate with Aunt Beth, Uncle Wil, and Parker.  Hopefully, we get to soon!


Gavin got a repeat gift this year, so he wrapped up his old one to give to Furrby.



1 comment:

Kelly said...

Looks like you guys had a nice Christmas :). Where has the break gone?!?