Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Sad Day

Today was my last day of maternity leave:( Tomorrow, I have to go back to work. I have mixed feelings. I am so sad to leave Gavin and I am enjoying my time with Macie. However, I know that I'm not really cut out to be a stay at home mom and I love my job. I also miss seeing my friends at school and my students. The positive is, Gavin and Macie will be with my mom and Brian's mom while I work which makes it a lot easier. I also only have to work for 9 more weeks and then it will be summer vacation! I only have 7 students this year, but a few of them are quite challenging and I know there have been some issues while I was gone, so wish me luck!!!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

You are so lucky to have moms to take care of your babies!!! I'm not sure if I will see you guys this week or not. EVSC has Good Friday off, so no Friday speech. Knowing me, I'll have a reason to stop by midweek:). Good luck getting back into the swing of things!!