Sunday, July 17, 2011


On Thursday, I turned 29. Holy cow...only one more year in my twenties! Several people asked me if I felt old. My body is falling apart and I now drive a mini van...yes I'm old! I do have to say though, I am in a really good place in my life. I am happily married and blessed to have Macie and Gavin. I'm even more blessed knowing that by Christmas we will have another addition to our family. I also love my job and I feel like all of the pieces of my life are finally starting to fall into place. Year 28 was great, but I know year 29 will be even better!
I had a great birthday! I had many phone calls, text messages, and a card made by Daddy, Macie, and Gavin. My dad took me to lunch at Hacienda. I spent the rest of the day hanging out and napping. For dinner, I made grippo chicken and then we headed to the mall. We let the kids play and then got pretzels. Our final stop was the candy store. It was hard to not buy too much! Allie, Annie, and Kathryn came over to hang out. It was a simple birthday but absolutely perfect!

Me and my babies! Macie and I had matching headbands!
Macie always loves to wave to this bear, but she never wants to get too close. Tonight, she hugged him!

Gavin's turn

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Happy belated birthday Abbie! Enjoy your last year in your 20s:) I'm sure it will be an awesome year!