Sunday, July 10, 2011

Backyard Cookout

Today we had a few families over for a cookout. Brian didn't have to bartend this weekend so it was a great chance to do it. Macie was so excited that her friends were coming to "swim" in her backyard. We filled up their pool and turned on the sprinkler. Patti also brought some water squirters. The kids had an absolute blast! Even though it was a very hot day, the adults were able to stay cool in the shade. Brian made bbq chicken and it was yummy. We also had several other sides and ended with brownies! It was so nice to see some friends and hang out. Hopefully, it won't be forever before we can hang out with friends again!

Macie and Maddie ended up wearing matching suits! They were both yard sale finds!
Look at that water! Yuck!

Water wars!

Gavin took a snooze so he came back out in different clothes. He still got soaked again! In this picture he is trying to figure out what happened to the water from the sprinkler after I turned it off.

Brian, bless his heart, sat with all of the little girls (and Gavin) for dinner. He was so good and helped all of them get what they needed.

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