Monday, October 3, 2011

An Early Birthday Present

Grammie and Pops came for a visit on Sunday. They brought a garbage bag full of clothes for Macie (which she desperately needed), a sleeping bag for Gavin, and some new toys. They went yardsaling the day before and hit the jackpot. They were able to watch Brian play softball and we all went to dinner at Mr. B's. Besides the fact that I didn't get my food until they packed it up in a to go box, we had a great day.
In between the softball game and Mr. B's, Aunt Beth and Parker stopped by. They were going to eat with us and they wanted to bring Macie's birthday present by. Beth is in a wedding next Saturday and won't be able to make it to Macie's party. Macie got two new adorable outfits. Thanks and we will miss you next week!

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