Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

The kids woke up in great moods and pumped for the day. Macie and Gavin helped me make some cookies to take to daycare. They each wore their Halloween shirts and were ready for a great day. They had a fun day at daycare. After school, they ate a sucker from their treats and played for a while. We ate dinner in the living room while watching Dora's Halloween and the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. As part of dinner, I included some of the "treats" they got yesterday and we had plenty of choices for dessert! Macie was happy to greet trick or treaters. We had a record 39 this year! We usually don't get that many. After dinner, Brian and I gave the kids a little Halloween gift. We got each one of them a book. Overall, it was a great Halloween. I'm so glad that I'm able to make wonderful memories with my family. Just year we will have another member to enjoy it with!

Halloween shirts and pumpkin socks:)

Happy Halloween to all!!

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