Friday, August 17, 2012

Ultrasound Scheduled

They called me today and said that they scheduled Gavin's ultrasounds (there will actually be two done) for next Friday.  I panicked a little because there is no way I can miss ANOTHER day of school in August!  Thankfully, the nurse gave me the number to the ultrasound scheduling people.  Brian called and explained that we would already be up there on the 31st for surgery,  and asked if there was any way that afternoon they could fit us in. Luckily, they said yes and scheduled us for 4pm.  Unless something goes seriously wrong, we would be able to do the surgery in the morning and ultrasounds in the afternoon.  It is going to make for a LONG day, but it is better than making two trips, missing more work, finding more care for the girls, and spending more money!

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