Thursday, October 7, 2010

Germs, Germs, Go Away!

Today was a first for me...I took a sick day to stay home with my kids. Macie is almost 2 and I have been fortunate to never have to take a sick day to stay home with them. The last two years, I used all of my sick days on maternity leave, so Brian took off with them. Plus, Macie hasn't been sick very much thankfully!
Brian, Macie, and I are all 100% and Gavin is about 95% healthy! Gavin had his last bout of diarrhea this morning and (knock on wood) he hasn't had any since. I've been one busy lady today! I've washed 5 loads of laundry, changed every bed (again), gone Lysol crazy, dusted, bathed both kids, and taken care of two wild (and slightly cranky) children. I think I've washed just about everything we own! I am completely exhausted, but it feels good to be on the road to a clean house. I'm so glad that we are going to be able to put this behind us and have Macie's birthday party this weekend.
Unfortunately, we passed on our illness to Grammie and the kids that she keeps. Hopefully, they will get better soon!

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