Saturday, June 15, 2013

Macie’s Day–Take 2

On Macie’s Day last week, we started with a walk.  Then we did a few things around the house before heading to her library program.  I took Macie to a different program this year at North Park.  It is a preschool story and craft time.  There are a lot of kids, but she does so well sitting, listening, and waiting her turn.  Every now and then, she has a hard time not shouting out, but overall she did great!  We worked puzzles and picked out books before it started.  Then, she made a sun craft afterwards.  We came home for lunch and nap.  After nap, we worked in her workbooks from Santa for a bit before heading to pick up Gavin and Lilah.  I picked them up from daycare so we could all go to the Holy Spirit Social. 

I can tell a big difference in Macie this year than last.  She is growing up so fast and I am trying to cherish each and every moment!


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