Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Lilah’s Day ~ 4

Yesterday, Lilah and I had a fun day together.  We went for a walk and then got ready to go for the day.  I took her to her library program and she was participating and smiling a lot more!  It was a packed house, but Lilah was still very well behaved and stayed right with Mommy.  After the library, we came home for lunch and nap.  She actually took two naps which was a treat for me! 

When she woke up, she was in a great mood, so I decided to go to the zoo. I’m trying to do as much as we can outside and enjoy the weather before the heat gets unbearable.  We did the fast track version of the zoo.  LJ was very quiet and enjoyed eating her snack and looking at a few animals.  When we got to Amazonia, she was all about it.  She was pointing at animals and repeating the names after me.  Heck, I could have just taken her to that part, but I wanted to get a little exercise.  On the way home, we stopped to pick up her free Lic’s kiddy cone and shared it when we got home.  We wrapped up the day by making dinner and setting it up outside.  I can’t believe how big LJ is getting.  In fact, today she is 18 months old!  Post coming on that soon…


She found that I’d left my laptop in the chair and was so excited!003004005008009010

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