Thursday, September 13, 2012

Firemen Visit

On Wednesday, four firemen brought their fire truck to preschool to visit.  The preschool always invites the Kindergarten and First Grade classes to come out and join them.  This year, I was able to be both teacher and parent!  I not only took pictures of my class, but of Macie, too!  The firemen showed the kids around the truck, let them walk through it, and even let them spray the hose!  One of them also dressed up in all of the gear so that the kids wouldn't be scared if they came into their house.  In the middle of their talk, they got an emergency call and had to rush off in the fire truck with the sirens blazing.  The preschoolers hadn't gotten a chance to spray the hose yet, so they were nice enough to come back.  The only bummer about that was that I didn't get a chance to watch Macie.  That night, she was telling us about all of the tips she learned!  

Macie and Madison

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