Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Macie has been expressing her feelings more. Last week she told my mom she was jealous because Grandma was holding Gavin and not her. The other day she told Brian she was mad because she couldn't go with him. Macie is a very emotional child and I think that it's great that she is learning how to express those feelings verbally. Every day, I'm reminded how much she is growing up!

Speaking of growing up, when I came home from the hospital, I expected the kids to look bigger to me. Macie really didn't, but Gavin did! I feel like he grew a ton! He is such a big boy and is talking more and more every day!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I think Gavin looks bigger/older too!!! I was just thinking that the other day when I was looking at some of your Christmas pictures!