Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Lilah's 8th (and final) BPP

Today, I got a few surprises at school. First, a few parents went in together and got Brian and I a "Parents' Night Out". They gave me a gift card to Cheddars and the movies. We've been wanting to try Cheddars, so I'm excited about that! Then, during a carry-in lunch, I got a box of 192 diapers from the faculty and staff. I was SUPER excited! We still needed more diapers and you go through a ton at the beginning.

This afternoon, I headed to the doctor's office for my weekly visit. This was my last scheduled BPP before Lilah's birth. During the BPP, Lilah was stubborn and didn't cooperate at all! Her breathing, heart rate, and fluid levels were fine, but her movement was not. It took the entire 30 minutes for her to move a tiny bit. Once again, the tech was poking me and she had me roll over on my side. Although she technically passed, she wasn't happy with the results and let Dr. C know.

When Nusha called me back, she said they were running some cultures on my urine sample because it didn't look right. My blood pressure was also hovering right at the line for being too high. Dr. C confirmed that I did have a bladder infection. That explains why I've been contracting, crampy, and peeing constantly. I should have known because this happened with Macie too. She also ordered an Non stress test (NST) before I left and said we would go from there.

During the NST, I was hooked up to a heart monitor, contraction monitor, and had a push button for when I felt Lilah move. I laid there for 20 minutes or so and of course she was moving all over the place. Everything looked great, so Dr. C sent me home and told me to rest. She had me set up another appointment for a NST only on Thursday morning. If that looks good, we will wait until Monday to have Lilah. If not, she will do something sooner.

I left the appointment and dropped off my prescription for the bladder infection. I have to go back soon to pick that up along with my other meds. I called Miss Julie to let her know that Brian will be picking up the kids so I can "rest". Tomorrow is my last scheduled day to work and I still plan to go in. We are having a big breakfast in the morning and I think I will be fine. I already had Thursday and Friday scheduled off, so it will be nice to take it easy.

I've had several dreams that I was going to have her today, but now it's not looking so good. Only time will tell when I'll get to hold my sweet baby girl!


Holly said...

Love, love, love Cheddar's!
Less than a week! So exciting!

Kelly said...

I love Cheddar's too!!! They have one in Texas where my parents live and I love going there!!!
I didn't realize you wouldn't be there this Friday. I'm sure you told me, I just forgot....blame it on the pregnancy!!lol:). Good luck with the delivery!! I am so excited for you!! I am sure Lilah will be beautiful!! Can't wait to see pictures!