Thursday, July 12, 2012

Gavin's Day Take 6

The Dude and I had a great day yesterday!  We had therapy at Kid's Kingdom downtown, went to the library, got a free milkshake at Rally's, and he helped me around the house.  The cutest moment of the day was definitely when we got the milkshake.  The kids got coupons for a free milkshake when they completed the reading program.  I didn't plan to get anything because I was trying not to spend any money.  Gavin was really disturbed by this.  He was so disturbed, he offered to give me a drink of his!  He not only gave me one drink, but two.  He can be the sweetest thing and thinks about others without us forcing him too.  It melted my heart and almost made me cry:)  Then, he tipped over the cup, broke the lid, and started pouring his milkshake all over his lap.  It kind of ruined the moment, but I was able to salvage some of the shake for when we got home!

Strengths:  Gavin is also pretty smart, but he is not an "on command" kind of kid.  All of a sudden, he will show us something he knows and we are shocked!  He can count to 20 (missing 15 almost every time) and can count backwards from 10.  He knows all colors and shapes.  He loves puzzles and can do simple ones on his own.  He can also spell almost everyone in our family's names.
As far as his personality, he is a super sweet kid, but is also wild!  He has the greatest smile and also a look that I know means trouble!  He is also shyer than I realized.  I jokingly say that Macie is his "Linus blanket" and that without her, he is lost.  He is coming more into his own and I hope that being separated from Macie a lot this year will help. 
Challenges: Number one challenge...bedtime!  Now that the kid realizes he can get out of his bed, he does.  Not once or twice, but a million times.  He is also into every thing!  He has to figure out how things work.  In fact, he figured out how to get into the "child proof" lock on the cabinet under the sink.  NOT GOOD!  The poor kid also destroys everything he touches.  Most of the time he doesn't mean too, so he is upset afterwards. 
Favorites: Trains, being outside, his sisters, balls, and his Woody.  He is starting to watch movies more and want to read books.  He is an active little guy always on the move.  He wants to do everything his big sister is doing.  

 Checking out the mice at the library.  I don't like mice so I kept my distance!
 Gavin was thrilled to find a sink his size in the bathroom!

 He was so proud of his porcupine!


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